Hybrid Heart - A SciFi Novel by Zariga

Koshdukai's web trails...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Koshdukai's Movies

Just created the Koshdukai's Movies section with mainly Joost free movies :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Koshdukai's "Peeks" :D

Added a footer section with the latest post/news/wtv from selected sources of my choice, thus the play with the word "picks" and "peeks" :P

For now, it's all in a big messy "bundleball" but I'll segment it in specialized sections like Music Production, Podcasts, Geeky stuff and more...


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Live Specials... \o/

Ok, so... usually when I watch some kind of live video or audio feed that I want my friends to watch it too I give'em the link to it... usually a very long and weird link and, instead of using a tinylink.com or a is.gd or something, I thought

 "heck, why not adding a temporary section to this blog and simply direct my friends here?"


Starting with Clã Live at Evora :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Twitter feed

Just added my twitter feed. The default Blogger RSS feed gadget doesn't like the default twitter feed :( ...so, had to "fight" a bit to make it work.

Now's working ^^

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Blog links

Now, clicking on any Blog Title, sends you the that blog's last post :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Koshdukai's VST Bazar

Just added Koshdukai's VST Bazar RSS feed to the right panel.

Koshdukai's VST Bazar is a repository "blog" of freeware VST's I like, much like all the other web, media and flash game repository blogs I have ^^

Monday, August 04, 2008


Just added the Koshdukai's GameZoo flash game collection RSS feed to this spot.

It does for flash games what web trails does for interesting (mainly) text based web resources or media trails does for video or audio media based web resources.